pulmonary nodule and Lung Cancer

Goals and Objectives:

Knowledge: Students should be familiar with:

  1. The Risk Factors for lung cancer.
  2. The general approach to the evaluation and management of a Solitary Pulmonary Nodule.
  3. Paraneoplastic Syndromes.
  4. The TNM Staging System for lung cancer.
  5. General Treatment Options for lung cancer.
  6. Minimal Pulmonary Function Requirements for lung cancer resection.
  7. The General Prognosis for patients with various stages of lung cancer.




Attitudes: Students should:

  1. Recognize the importance of cigarette use as a risk factor for the development of lung cancer.
  2. Recognize the ability to offer the possibility of cure for early stage lung cancer as well as the ability to reduce suffering in advanced cases.


  1. Neoplasms of the Lung, Harrison's Textbook of Medicine, 15 th Edition, New York, McGraw Hill, 2001, pp 562-571.
  2. Neoplasms of the Lung, Harrison ’s On-Line: http://harrisons.accessmedicine.com/server-java/Arknoid/amed/harrisons/co_chapters/ch088/ch088_p02.html
  3. Lung Tumors: A Multidisciplinary Database: Staging System: Staging of Small Cell & Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. The Iowa Virtual Hospital, main page = http://www.vh.org/ and search for “lung cancer”, or go direclty to http://www.vh.org/Providers/Textbooks/LungTumors/Stag ing/Text/Staging.html . This site provides a clear description of the staging system for lung cancer, including figures as well as prognosis.
  4. Evaluation and Management of the Solitary Pulmonary Nodule. Ost D and Fine A. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2000;162:782-7. A comprehensive review of the approach to solitary pulmonary nodules. May be found on-line by copying the following link into your server’s address bar: http://ajrccm.atsjournals.org/cgi/content/full/162/3/782.