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Forced Vital capacity (FVC)

Total amount of air that can be blown out after a maximal deep breath, as fast as you can.
Note this amount in volume time graph.
Best of 3 attempts is taken.
The normal range is 80-120% predicted.

Forced Expired Volume in One second (FEV1)

The amount of air that can be blown in the first second in the FVC maneuver.

Note this amount in volume time graph..

The normal range for FEV1 is 80-120% predicted


FEV1 volume divided by FVC expressed as percent.

I am going to create some confusion. There are two ways of judging the normal range.



Forced expiratory flow rate between 25 to 75% of FVC.

This used to be called maximal mid expiratory flow rate.
We are looking at the flow rate of the mid portion of FVC. Note this in the volume time graph.

The normal range is 75-125%.
This measure is thought to represent early evidence for obstruction.

Peak expiratory flow rate.
Note the location of PEFR in the flow volume loop. This graph represents flow rate against lung volume.
Peak flow occurs early during forced expiration.
Normal range is 80-100%.


Forced expiratory time(FET)

Note the time taken to complete FVC in the volume time graph.

Normal is less than 5 seconds.

Prolonged FET would suggest airway obstruction.



Note the peak inspiratory flow in the flow volume loop graph. Note the difference in configuration of inspiratory and expiratory limbs of flow volume loop.


This measure is obtained while performing flow volume loop. I don't use this value much in interpretaion because we never take enough time to seriously perform inspiratory effort.


Maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV)

This is the amount of air that can be moved in and out as fast as you can in one minute.

We ask the patient to breath as deep and as fast as possible for 10 seconds and express it for a minute.
We take the best of 3 measurements. Usually the first will be lower, the second and third effort will be similar.
Lot of coaxing has to be done to encourage the patient to do the best.

Click to see how it is performed (not yet).


Flow Volume Loop

Evaluate the loop for
  • Configuration of expiratory limb: Exponential drop in rate of flow
  • Inspiratory limb: Flow rates remain same with a sudden drop off.
  • Peak Expiratory flow
  • Peak Inspiratory flow
  • Patterns


  • FEV1Forced expiratory volume in one second
  • FEF25-75 Maximal mid expiratory flow rate
  • FET Time in seconds to complete FVC
  • Patterns
pft5b.JPG (26683 bytes)




Maximal Voluntary Ventilation

Volume of breaths
physio3.jpg (15242 bytes)


Lung volumes

Slow Vital capacity (SVC)

Total amount of air that can be blown out after a maximal deep breath.

SVC is done leisurely and you can actually take the best inspiratory capacity from one curve and add to the best ERV from another.

FVC is done with the patient expiring as fast as he can.

The normal range is 80-120% predicted.



Lung Volumes

IC: Inspiratory capacity
ERV: Expiratory reserve volume
FRC: Functional reserve capacity
RV: Residual volume
TLC: Total lung capacity

The normal range for lung volumes are 80-120% predicted.


Volume Vs Capacity


Total Lung Capacity (TLC)

Total lung capacity can be measured by

In routine PFT interpretation we will be primarily be evaluating TLC by the first three methods.

Plethysmograhy: Measures Slow spaces (Blebs)
Helium dilution: May underestimate slow spaces.
Single breath: We will consider it under diffusion measurement.


Lung Compartments

Compare predicted with observed


Normal PFT values depend on many variables like height, weight, sex etc. A nomogram is developed using a large number of normal people and the value will be compared to that obtained from predicted based on his/her height weight etc. A normal range is 2 standard deviation from mean and it varies from test to test. In general it is 20%. Hence if you are looking at a first PFT you can consider a value as abnormal only if it is outside 2 standard deviation( 80-120%). Hence I always start by looking at percent predicted value to make a decision whether it is in normal range or not. Don't worry about the actual observed value (for now).


Diffusion capacity uncorrected

Patient is asked to take a deep breath of air containing known concentration of carbonmonoxide and to hold it for 10 seconds. The terminal (alveolar air) portion of expiration is collected to measure CO concentration. Diffusion capacity is then calculated using a complex formula.

The normal range is 75-125% predicted.



Diffusion capacity corrected

A correction for predicted value is made using patients Hemoglobin.

The normal range is 75-125% predicted.



Single breath TLC (VA @BTPS) is measured simultaneously by adding known concentration of Helium to measure alveolar volume exposed to Carbonmonoxide. This alveolar volume is used in expressing diffusion capacity for unit lung volume i.e. DL/VA.

The normal range is 75-125% predicted.  

Factors affecting DLCO

Primary purpose of measuring diffusion capacity is to assessthe barrier for gas transfer at alveolar capillary membrane.
Before we can ascribe a given decrease in diffusion to AC block we have to make corrections for variables that can affect

  • Hemoglobin: DLCO CORR
  • Lung volume: DL/VA
  • V/Q mismatch:
  • Pulmonary capillary bed:
  • Alveolar capillary membrane thickness:


Evaluate the graph for
  • Duration of breath hold
  • Volume of inspiration
  • Start of expiration

Evaluate the Flow Volume Loop for

  • Configuration of expiratory limb: Exponential drop in rate of flow
  • Inspiratory limb: Flow rates remain same with a sudden drop off.
  • Peak Expiratory flow
  • Peak Inspiratory flow
  • Patterns


Evaluate the graph for
  • FEV1Forced expiratory volume in one second
  • FEF25-75 Maximal mid expiratory flow rate
  • FET Time in seconds to complete FVC
  • Patterns




Maximal Voluntary Ventilation

Evaluate the graph for



Evaluate the graph for
  • Duration of breath hold
  • Volume of inspiration
  • Start of expiration

Lung Compartments

Compare predicted with observed