Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

What are the predisposing factors for DVT?
What are the symptoms and signs of DVT. When would you suspect DVT?
What are the useful imaging studies available to investigate deep vein thrombosis? What is the utility of each?
What is the sensitivity and specificity of each in detecting deep vein thrombosis?
What are the radiological criteria for Deep Vein Thrombosis in duplex ultrasound exam?
What is the role of venogram in the evaluation of Deep Vein Thrombosis?
What is the optimal sequence of imaging procedures in the investigation of Deep Vein Thrombosis?
A case of deep vein thrombosis .

The patient is a 24 year old female who presented to the ER with complaints of chest pain and difficulty breathing. The pain was in her right upper chest, sharp, sudden, non radiating, and she had never experienced it before. It occurred while she was at rest. She had not been lifting heavy weights or exercising lately.
