Pulmonary metastasis



Multiple Lesions

Cannon balls

Miliary Pattern: This presentation is seen in patients with 

Cavitating lesions:


Solitary Pulmonary nodule

Diagnostic strategy


Endobronchial Lesion

Tracheal metastasis

When the lesion is located in the trachea, patients will present with severe wheezing and have normal chest x-ray.


Pleural Effusion

Pleural Masses

Significant pleural masses can exist without recognition (as in the adjoining CXR), even in the absence of pleural effusion.

  Iatrogenic pneumothorax facilitates visualization of pleural masses.

CT scan can reveal pleural masses that are not seen on routine x-rays.

Thymoma, multiple myeloma and cystadenocarcinoma lung are reported to give such a metastatic pattern.

Spontaneous pneumothorax

Pneumothorax occurring secondary to pulmonary metastasis is rare. 

This mode of presentation occurs secondary to necrosis of subpleurally located metastases with the resultant bronchopleural fistula. 

Cavitating sarcoma is reported to present in this manner.

 In some instances, the sub pleural metastases are not sufficiently large enough to be recognized in x-rays and pneumothorax is the presenting manifestation.

Chest Wall Lesion

Alveolar Pattern

Interstitial Pattern

Sub acute Cor Pulmonale
  • This form of presentation occurs when small subliminal tumor deposits obstruct a sufficient cross section of the pulmonary vascular bed. 
  • The spectrum of pulmonary symptoms is identically to thromboembolism.
  •  Patients are in prolonged respiratory distress with normal chest x-ray and with or without signs of pulmonary hypertension. 
  • Choriocarcinoma, hepatoma, breast and stomach tumors account for most of the primaries with such presentation. 
  • This entity should be considered in a female with severe respiratory distress with a history of recent abortion or delivery chorionic gonadotropin levels are high. 
  • When recognized, chemotherapy offers a favorable prognosis in patients with choriocarcinoma. 
  • Prognosis is poor with other primary malignancies.
