
An Evaporator Accident

Your answer:
Double glove and double gowns for staff

Correct answer.
When dealing with patients who are contaminated, the staff must protect themselves. This is easily done by using the same techniques that would be used in treating a septic patient. Double gowns are worn so that if the outer layer becomes contaminated, it can be removed leaving the person clean once again. Some experts advocate four layers of protective clothing. This consists of an outer apron and gown covering an inner apron and gown. Gloves are similarly doubled as well. Should the outer gloves become contaminated, they can be easily removed and replaced. Frequent glove changes should be encouraged throughout the management of the patient. This action will prevent the spread from one area to another.

Staff in the REA should also wear masks and hair covers. This is not to prevent the staff from airborne contamination, but rather to avoid the possibility of contamination by inadvertently scratching or touching an area.