Self Evaluation - Part 1

Arcot J. Chandrasekhar, M.D. and Ashok J. Kumar, M.D.


The following questions test knowledge bites you should have to correctly interpret neuroscience imaging. Continue to take the self evaluation quiz until you have mastered it (90% correct). I will account 10% for difference of opinion. Images and topic content are provided under each chapter.

Note that the examination must be completed in one sitting, so allow yourself enough time. Image based self evaluation exercises will be provided in your clinical years.

This exercise covers questions covering imaging basics, intracranial hemorrhage, CVA and cerebral edema.

This exercise is intended as a self evaluation, teaching and learning tool. Please contact me via email with comments, suggestions or corrections at


 spacerQuestion 1

Value: 1
Imaging procedure of choice with head trauma is:

 spacerQuestion 2

Value: 1
Imaging procedure of choice to evaluate skull lesion:

 spacerQuestion 3

Value: 1
Imaging procedure of choice to evaluate brain and intracranial contents:

 spacerQuestion 4

Value: 1
Imaging procedure of choice for evaluating brain and intracranial contents in a patient with prior aneurysmal clips:

 spacerQuestion 5

Value: 1
Risk of radiation is relatively high in:

 spacerQuestion 6

Value: 1
Which imaging procedure has the greatest tissue discrimination ability:

 spacerQuestion 7

Value: 1
Bone appears dark on:

 spacerQuestion 8

Value: 1
In MRI, fat signal on T1 wtd. pulse sequence is:

 spacerQuestion 9

Value: 1
The term "density" is used in:

 spacerQuestion 10

Value: 1
The term signal intensity is used in:

 spacerQuestion 11

Value: 1
Edema is described as an area of lucency in:

 spacerQuestion 12

Value: 1
Imaging procedure of choice to evaluate intracranial pathology in an unstable patient is:

 spacerQuestion 13

Value: 1
Which contrast is used in CT:

 spacerQuestion 14

Value: 1
Which contrast is used in MR:

 spacerQuestion 15

Value: 1
Before administering Gadolinium, which organ function should be noted:

 spacerQuestion 16

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CSF is bright on:

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US is not useful in evaluation of head in adults.

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Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) requires:

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CT angiogram requires:

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MR angiogram requires:

 spacerQuestion 21

Value: 1
In which of the angiograms is blood flow displayed:

 spacerQuestion 22

Value: 1
Best initial imaging procedure for suspected case of intracranial hemorrhage is:

 spacerQuestion 23

Value: 1
In subdural hematoma blood is:

 spacerQuestion 24

Value: 1
In epidural hematoma blood is:

 spacerQuestion 25

Value: 1
In subarachnoid bleed blood is:

 spacerQuestion 26

Value: 1
In intracerebral hemorrhage blood is:

 spacerQuestion 27

Value: 1
Shape of an epidural hematoma is:

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Shape of subdural hematoma is:

 spacerQuestion 29

Value: 1
Skull fracture is seen most often in:

 spacerQuestion 30

Value: 1
Acute subdural hematoma is:

 spacerQuestion 31

Value: 1
On CT, blood appears dark (low attenuation or hypodense) on:

 spacerQuestion 32

Value: 1
On CT, blood in subdural hematoma appears in one week (subacute subdural hematoma):

 spacerQuestion 33

Value: 1
Emergency evacuation of blood is necessary with:

 spacerQuestion 34

Value: 1
Select all the image findings of acute infarction (<24 hours) in non-contrast CT:
[mark all correct answers]


 spacerQuestion 35

Value: 1
In non-traumatic cases the subarachnoid hemorrhage is due to:

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Intraventricular hemorrhage is:

 spacerQuestion 37

Value: 1
Patient presents with stroke of approximately one hour duration. You are considering thrombolytic therapy. What will be your imaging study?

 spacerQuestion 38

Value: 1
Which is the best imaging study to rule out acute stroke:

 spacerQuestion 39

Value: 1
Cytotoxic edema occurs following stroke:

 spacerQuestion 40

Value: 1
Ischemic stroke in CT is recognized as:

 spacerQuestion 41

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Hemorrhagic stroke on CT is recognized as:

 spacerQuestion 42

Value: 1
What type of edema is seen in acute stroke in the area of infarct?

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What type of edema is seen with brain tumor:

 spacerQuestion 44

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Extracellular edema enhances with contrast.

 spacerQuestion 45

Value: 1
CT is superior to MRI in detecting hemorrhagic transformation within an infarct.

 spacerQuestion 46

Value: 1
Select all the image findings of acute infarction (< 24 hours) in MRI:
[mark all correct answers]


 spacerQuestion 47

Value: 1
Shift of midline structures is best evaluated by observing:

 spacerQuestion 48

Value: 1
Diffuse brain edema is seen in:
[mark all correct answers]


 spacerQuestion 49

Value: 1
Consequence of brain edema is:
[mark all correct answers]


 spacerQuestion 50

Value: 1
Mass effect of brain edema is more commonly seen in:












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