Case #4 - A 50 year old male presents with syncope and shock. Room air ABG on admission are shown below.

SD Mean 02 Sat.
RA (mmHg) 15 .48 CO (L/m) 2.5
RV (mmHg) 45/0 .48 SVR (units) 18 (1440)
PA (mmHg) 45/20 28 .49 PVR (units) 8.4 (670)
PCWP(mmHG) 7 .89
BP (mmHG) 80/50 60


FI02 pH P02 02 Sat. PC02
ABG .21 7.32 59 .89 32
Mixed Venous 7.28 28 .49 38
AV-02 Diff (Vol%)  8.0

What is the likeliest diagnosis?   Answer