
  1. General: coughing of blood from pulmonary parenchyma or tracheobronchial tree
  2. Massive: arbitrary quantity: 100-600ml/24hr <5% patients have massive bleeding



  1. Ascertain source is pulmonary
  2. Common causes: (differ in regular vs. massive)
  3. Must suspect bronchogenic carcinoma in >40 yo smoker
  4. May result from metastatic carcinoma, typically breast, colon, or malignant melanoma



  1. dual circulation
  2. vascular mechanisms



    1. Physical examination
      • confirm source
      • which hemithorax
      • localized rales, rhonchi, or wheezing
    2. Chest Radiography
      • confluent or patchy alveolar filling pattern
      • becomes reticular over days
      • clears in 3-10 days
    3. Bronchoscopy
      • visualize potential causes/location
      • rigid vs fiberoptic
        • FOB identifies carcinoma in 2-13% pts with normal CXR
        • timing
    4. Arteriography
      • identify site
      • therapeutic with embolization
        • 80-90% initial control
        • long term recurrence in 10-15%
    5. Radionuclide Scanning
    6. Chest Computed Tomography



  1. Three Goals of Therapy
  2. Airway Control
  3. Volume Resuscitation
  4. Laboratory Evaluation



  1. Surgical
  2. Medical
  3. Mortality