Learning Objectives: You should be able to:
- Differentiate between gas partial pressures in the blood
versus gas contents in the blood, illustrating the importance of each.
- Explain the numerous ramifications of the oxyhemoglobin
dissociation curve in physiological terms.
- Describe how oxygen supply and demand are balanced in the
lungs and tissues in various metabolic states of activity.
- Determine why carbon monoxide poisoning is a much more
serious threat to life than anemia in terms other than decreased arterial
oxygen content.
Rhodes & Tanner Text Readings: chapter 21, Pages 391-394.
Partial Pressures and Contents
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve
Oxygen Supply and Demand
in Oxygen Dissociation Curve MainMenu
Partial Pressures and Contents in the Blood
- Basic Principles
- in pulmonary capillaries, gas partial pressures dictate
gas contents
- PAO2 PaO2 CaO2
- in tissue capillaries, gas contents dictate gas partial
- Gas Partial Pressures in Systemic Arterial and Venous Blood
- PaO2 = 95 mm Hg PvO2 = 40 mm Hg
- PaCO2 = 40 mm Hg PvCO2 = 46 mm Hg
- PaH2O = 47 mm Hg PvH2O = 47 mm Hg
- PaN2 = 578 mm Hg PvN2 = 578 mm Hg
- Patot = 760 mm Hg Pvtot = 711 mm Hg
- Absorption Atelectasis
- consequences of subatmospheric value in Pvtot of -49 mm
- air trapped within the intrapleural spaces is
normally reabsorbed
- alveoli sealed off by mucous plugs collapse (atelectasis)
- alveolar stability depends upon unit V A/Q ratio and
operating PAO2
- stable alveolus: oxygen supply >> oxygen
uptake (normal V A/Q ratio)
- critical alveolus: oxygen supply = oxygen uptake
(low V A/Q ratio)
- unstable alveolus: oxygen supply << oxygen
uptake (very low V A/Q ratio)
- nitrogen gas in the alveolus normally protects against
- N2 is a buffer gas that can be washed out by 100%
O2 administration
Partial Pressures and Contents
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve
Oxygen Supply and Demand
in Oxygen Dissociation Curve MainMenu
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve
- Physical Solution of Oxygen
- Henry's Law: O2 dissolved (mL O2/dL) = O2 sol. (mL O2/dL
per mm Hg) * PO2 (mm Hg)
- dissolved O2 is a linear function of PO2
- O2 solubility = slope of line
- O2 solubility in blood is very low, hence dissolved O2
content is very low at normal PO2 = 100 mm Hg
- O2 solubility = 0.003 mL/dL per mm Hg (a constant
independent of prevailing PO2)
- O2 content = 0.3 mL O2/dL (a variable dependent
upon prevailing PO2)
- Oxygen Carriage by Hemoglobin
- characteristics of human hemoglobin
- chromoprotein with average molecular weight around
- 2à and 2 chains form a tetramer with each chain
having its own heme group
- each heme group consists of a protoporphyrin ring
with a ferrous atom in the center
- O2 binds covalently and reversibly with hemoglobin
contained within red blood cells
- maximum of 4 molecules of oxygen bind to the 4 Fe++
- this is oxygenation since the ferrous atoms are not
oxidized to the ferric state
- O2 cannot bind to oxidized hemoglobin
- hydrogen peroxide oxidizes Fe++ to Fe+++
- oxidized hemoglobin is known as met hemoglobin
- Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve
- the amount of O2 carried by hemoglobin is a curvilinear
function of PO2
- sigmoidal curve reflects the four-stage loading of
- oxygen loading (lungs) occurs over flat portion of
- oxygen unloading (tissues) occurs over steep
portion of curve
- important relationships
- oxygen capacity (mL O2/dLblood) =
(1.36 mL O2/gram Hb) * (15 gram Hb/dLblood)
- oxygen content (mL O2/dLblood) =
Hb saturation (%) * oxygen capacity (mL O2/dLblood)
- P50 is the PO2 corresponding to 50% saturation of
(half-saturation point = 27 mm Hg)
- CaO2 - CvO2 represents the total amount of O2
(mL O2/dLblood) body wide
- total O2 content in the blood computes as the sum of O2
bound to hemoglobin (HbO2) and O2 dissolved
- at PO2 < 333 mm Hg, O2 dissolved can be ignored
(< 1 mL O2/dL is insignificant)
- at PO2 > 333 mm Hg, O2 dissolved cannot be
(> 1 mL O2/dL is significant)
- Myoglobin Dissociation Curve
- myoglobin is a muscle protein with oxygen carrying
- each myoglobin molecule has one site for
reversible oxygen binding
- hyperbolic curve reflects one-stage loading of
- P50 of 5 mm Hg indicates high oxygen affinity
at low PO2 values
- myoglobin provides an important source of O2 for
exercising muscle
Partial Pressures and Contents
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve
Oxygen Supply and Demand
in Oxygen Dissociation Curve MainMenu
Oxygen Supply and Demand
- Basic Concepts
- Fick equation: V O2/Q = CaO2 - CvO2
- O2 demand metabolic rate (V O2)
- O2 supply blood flow (Q )
- magnitude of CaO2 - CvO2 indicates ratio of O2
demand/O2 supply
- (CaO2 - CvO2) due to O2 demand and/or
O2 supply
- (CaO2 - CvO2) due to O2 demand and/or
O2 supply
- Krogh cylinder or cone
- Effect of Decreasing Blood Flow for Constant Metabolic Rate
- tissue PO2 falls off linearly as a function of distance
from two supply capillaries
- the deepest tissue has the lowest PO2
- Q induces a parallel downward shift in PO2 curve
to a critical level
- mitochondria still function at PO2 = 0.5 mm Hg
- Q induces a further parallel downward shift
in PO2 curve to an inadequate level
- oxygen is depleted before deepest tissue is reached
due to inadequate O2 supply
- depending upon tissue perfused, anaerobic
metabolism is established or infarct occurs
- Effect of Increasing Metabolic Rate for Constant Blood Flow
- tissue PO2 falls off linearly as a function of distance
from two supply capillaries
- the deepest tissue has the lowest PO2
- MR induces a downward shift and steeper slope in
PO2 curve to a critical level
- mitochondria still function at PO2 = 0.5 mm Hg
- MR induces a further downward shift and
still steep slope in PO2 curve to an inadequate level
- oxygen is depleted before deepest tissue is reached
due to excessive O2 demand
- depending upon tissue, anaerobic metabolism is
established or an infarct occurs
- Summary
- a critical situation develops when the O2 demand
exceeds O2 supply
- O2 demand/O2 supply can be met by O2
supply ( blood flow)
- O2 demand/O2 supply can be met by O2
extraction ( CaO2 - CvO2 difference)
- example causes of cardiac infarcts
- occlusion of coronary blood vessels to the
myocardium (inadequate O2 supply)
- aggressive exercise in patient with significant
coronary artery
Partial Pressures and Contents
Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve
Oxygen Supply and Demand
in Oxygen Dissociation Curve MainMenu
Alterations in Oxygen Dissociation Curve
- Normal Curve Shifts
- efficiency of O2 delivery is facilitated with shifts in
the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
- right curve shifts ( P50, O2 affinity)
- PCO2, [H+], temperature,
2,3-diphosphoglycerate ( 2,3-DPG in chronic hypoxia)
- Bohr effect: PCO2 shifts the HbO2 curve to
the right
- left curve shifts ( P50, O2 affinity)
- PCO2, [H+], temperature,
2,3-diphosphoglycerate ( 2,3-DPG in normoxia)
- Abnormal Curve Shapes
- carbon monoxide favorably competes with oxygen for the
same Fe++ binding sites
- CO has 250 times the affinity for hemoglobin than
- Hb becomes 100% saturated with CO at PCO = 0.6 mm
- Hb becomes 100% saturated with O2 at PO2 = 600 mm
- the presence of carboxyhemoglobin distorts the shape of
the oxyhemoglobin curve
- the sigmoidal HbO2 curve becomes hyperbolic (like
- the HbO2 curve becomes depressed and flattened
( O2 capacity)
- comparison of 60% HbCO and 40% anemia
- P50 for 60% HbCO = 10 mm Hg (very high O2 affinity)
- P50 for 40% anemia = 27 mm Hg (normal O2 affinity)
- thus 60% HbCO is much more serious than 40% anemia
- dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning