Learning Objectives: You should be able to:
- Show how mass action shifts in the CO2 hydration reaction
can explain both the direct and inverse couplings between [HCO3-] and pH.
- Draw the generalized Davenport diagram, dividing the graph
into six labeled regions of acid-base disturbances and compensations.
- þThrow a dartþ at a calibrated Davenport diagram and
diagnose the situation, following the proper rules of movement along the
- Defend the necessity of taking several blood samples in the
assessment and treatment of acid-base disturbances in a clinical setting.
Rhoades & Tanner Text Readings: Chapter 25, Pages 481-483
Arterial PCO2 Isobars
Davenport's Diagram
Compensatory Processes
Base Excesses and Deficits
Arterial PC02 Isobars and the Normal Buffer Line
- CO2 Hydration Reaction (Fig. 24)
- mass action shifts to the left or right of reaction
- respiratory control: CO2 (left side of equation)
- fast responding system
- [HCO3-] þ 1/pH
- metabolic control: HCO3- and H+ (right side of
equation) slow responding system
- PaCO2 Isobars and Metabolic Disturbances (Fig. 25)
- PaCO2 isobars (family of curves)
- computation of bicarbonate buffer system using
various constant PaCO2 values
- alterations in [H+] or [HCO3-] will result in pH shifts
along PaCO2 isobar
- [HCO3-] þ pH
- PaCO2 remains unchanged since the respiratory
response to changes in acid drive is rapid
- Normal Blood Buffer Line and Respiratory Disturbances (Fig.
- NBL is the titration curve for non-bicarbonate buffer
- slope of line depends on hematocrit ([Hb] and
buffer power)
- vertical position of line depends on arterial
oxygen tension
- alterations in PaCO2 will result in pH shifts along the
Arterial PCO2 Isobars
Davenport's Diagram
Compensatory Processes
Base Excesses and Deficits
Davenport's Diagram
- Introduction
- there are at least 95 diagrams that graphically
represent acid-base status
- the Davenport Diagram is not necessarily used
clinically, but is unsurpassable for teaching purposes
- Quadrants of the pH-HCO3- Diagram (Fig. 25)
- quadrant A: respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis
(double insult)
- quadrant B: respiratory alkalosis and metabolic
alkalosis (double insult)
- quadrant C: respiratory acidosis and metabolic
alkalosis (compensation present)
- quadrant D: respiratory alkalosis and metabolic
acidosis (compensation present)
- note: the central region of the diagram (N) represents
normal acid base status
- Sextants of the pH-HCO3- Diagram (Fig. 26)
- sextant A: respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis
(double insult)
- sextant B: respiratory alkalosis and metabolic
alkalosis (double insult)
- sextant C1: 1ø respiratory acidosis and 2ø metabolic
- sextant C2: 1ø metabolic alkalosis and 2ø respiratory
- sextant D1: 1ø metabolic acidosis and 2ø respiratory
- sextant D2: 1ø respiratory alkalosis and 2ø metabolic
- note: it is the normal pH range that partitions both
regions C and D into two compartments
Arterial PCO2 Isobars
Davenport's Diagram
Compensatory Processes
Base Excesses and Deficits
Compensatory Processes
- Rules for Moving on the Davenport Diagram (Fig. 27)
- plot point representing acid-base status of patient
- move from normal acid-base status point N to patient
point obeying these three rules
- move on or parallel to NBL
- move along CO2 isobar
- never cross vertical line where pH = 7.40
(compensation is never perfect)
- types of compensation:
- no compensation
(patient point on NBL or on PaCO2 = 40 mm Hg
- partial compensation
(patient point in region C1, C2, D1 or D2 and pH is
out of normal range)
- full compensation
(patient point in region where pH is within normal
- perfect compensation
(assumed physiologically impossible)
- compass directions used
- SW: southwest
- SE: southeast
- NW: northwest
- NE: northeast
- 2ø Respiratory Compensation for 1ø Metabolic Acidosis
(point A)
- move SW down reference CO2 isobar
(identifies 1ø problem as metabolic)
þ note [HCO3-]
- move SE parallel to NBL to point A (2ø
- 2ø Respiratory Compensation for 1ø Metabolic
Alkalosis (point B)
- move NE up reference CO2 isobar (identifies 1ø
problem as metabolic)
- move NW parallel to NBL to point B (2ø
- 2ø Metabolic Compensation for 1ø Respiratory Acidosis
(point C)
- move NW up NBL (identifies 1ø problem as
- move NE up new CO2 isobar to point C (2ø
- 2ø Metabolic Compensation for 1ø Respiratory
Alkalosis (point D)
- move SE down NBL (identifies 1ø problem as
- move SW down new CO2 isobar to point D (2ø
Arterial PCO2 Isobars
Davenport's Diagram
Compensatory Processes
Base Excesses and Deficits
Base Excesses and Base Deficits
- Importance of HCO3- Values
- the goal of acid-base medicine is to restore arterial
pH values within normal range
- this is as much an art as it is a science
- abnormal base concentrations help the physician
establish proper corrective therapy
- qualitative: what to give (agent)
- quantitative: how much to give (dose)
- Determination of Abnormal Base Concentrations (Fig. 28)
- Tuller analysis
- base excess: [HCO3-] > 24 mM
- base deficit: [HCO3-] < 24 mM
- Davenport analysis
- þ base excess: [HCO3-] above NBL
- þ base deficit: [HCO3-] below NBL
- differences between Davenport and Tuller
- what Tuller would call a large base excess,
Davenport would call a small excess (left point L)
- what Tuller would call a base deficit, Davenport
would call an excess (right point R)
- Davenport's analysis is more accurate that Tuller's
since the NBL is taken into account
- Specific Examples Using Davenport's Analysis
- the following data show the time course of 2ø
metabolic compensation for 1ø respiratory acidosis
Point |
(unit) |
(mm Hg) |
(mM) |
sation |
Base Excess
(mM) |
A |
7.17 |
80 |
28 |
none |
28 - 28 = +0 |
B |
7.32 |
60 |
30 |
partial |
30 - 26 = +4 |
C |
7.39 |
55 |
32 |
full |
32 - 24 = +8 |
D |
7.60 |
20 |
25 |
--- incompatible data --- |
- Time Course of Acid-Base Status (Fig. 29)
- points A, B and C from Table above are plotted on a
Davenport Diagram
- the points are connected with a line to show time
course changes in acid-base status
- following the time course of corrective therapy cannot
be stressed enough
þ maintenance of pH in chronic patients is very touchy (an art)
þ a one time administration of some agent will seldom correct the
þ time-course plots enable the physician to continuously evaluate
success of treatment program
þ beware that 2ø compensation can become 1ø problem if treatment is
too aggressive
Arterial PCO2 Isobars
Davenport's Diagram
Compensatory Processes
Base Excesses and Deficits