This exercise is for students studying Anatomy. Try answering the questions from the unlabeled images first. Click on the images to see the labeled image.

Abdominal Aorta

Diagram IVC and Aorta
Reconstructed Image Where does Abdominal Aorta start and end .
PA view Reconstructed Image Identify the branches of Abdominal Aorta
Lateral view Reconstructed Image Identify the branches of Abdominal Aorta
CT Proximal aorta relationships
CT Proximal aorta relationships
CT Pancreas is anterior to Aorta
CT Note that the left renal vein crossing anterior to Aorta
CT Identify Lumbar arteries
CT Distal Aorta
CT Aorta is round
CT Aorta is oval just before bifurcation
CT Aorta has bifurcated
CT Aortic Bifurcation
MRI Aortic Bifurcation
US Aorta
US Aortic bifurcation
Color Doppler Aorta

Celiac artery

PA view Reconstructed image Identify Celiac artery
Reconstructed image Identify branches of Celiac artery
Lateral view Reconstructed image Identify  Celiac artery
Lateral view Reconstructed image Celiac artery
Drawing or CT What organs are supplied by Celiac artery
CT Origin of Celiac artery
CT Identify branches of Celiac artery
CT Identify branches of Celiac artery
US Celiac artery with splenic and hepatic artery branches
Color Doppler Celiac artery with splenic and hepatic artery branches
Case Gastro duodenal artery a branch of Hepatic artery

Superior Mesenteric Artery

PA view Reconstructed image Identify Superior Mesenteric artery
Lateral view Reconstructed image Identify Superior Mesenteric artery
PA view Reconstructed image Branches of SMA
Lateral view Reconstructed image Identify Superior Mesenteric artery
CT Origin of SMA
CT Behind Pancreas
CT Anterior to Uncinate process
Drawing or CT What organs are supplied by Superior Mesenteric artery
CT Relationship to structures
CT Anterior to 3rd part of Duodenum

Renal artery

PA view Reconstructed image Origin and course of renal Arteries
PA view Reconstructed image Origin and course of renal Arteries
PA view Reconstructed image Origin and course of renal Arteries
PA view Reconstructed image MRA Origin and course of renal Arteries
CT Note the origin of Renal arteries from the lateral aspect of Aorta
CT Origin of left renal Artery
CT Note the relationship to Renal Veins

Inferior Mesenteric Artery

PA view Reconstructed image Identify Inferior Mesenteric artery
Lateral view Reconstructed image Identify Inferior Mesenteric artery
PA view Reconstructed image IMA
Drawing or CT What organs are supplied by Inferior Mesenteric artery

Common Iliac artery

PA view Reconstructed image Start and end of Iliac artery
PA view Reconstructed image Identify branches of Iliac  artery
Drawing or CT What organs are supplied by Celiac artery
CT Distal Aorta
CT Aortic Bifurcation
CT Aortic Bifurcation
CT Common Iliac arteries
CT Note the accompanying vein
CT Note the accompanying vein
CT Note the accompanying vein
CT Divides into internal and external Iliac
Internal iliac artery
CT Divides into internal and external Iliac
CT Internal iliac travels posteriorly
External Iliac artery
CT External Iliac travels anteriorly
CT External Iliac travels anteriorly
CT External Iliac becomes Femoral artery
CT Femoral artery and its major branch

Inferior vena cava

Reconstructed image MRA Where does it start and end
Reconstructed image Relationship to Aorta
PA view Reconstructed image Tributaries emptying into IVC
Reconstructed image MRA Tributaries emptying into IVC
Drawing or CT Which organs does it drain
CT Common Iliac veins
CT Common Iliac veins coming together
CT Iliac veins join to form IVC
CT IVC has formed
CT Relationship of IVC near diaphragm
CT Relationship of IVC near Kidney. Renal veins entering IVC
Color Doppler Note the relationship of inferior vena cava to pancreas
Color Doppler Hepatic veins draining into IVC 
Iliac Veins
CT Common Iliac Vein
CT Common Iliac Vein
CT Common Iliac Vein
CT Common Iliac Vein
CT External Iliac vein
CT External Iliac vein

Portal venous system

Reconstructed image Where does it start and end
Reconstructed image What are the tributaries joining Portal vein
Drawing or CT Which organs does it drain
CT Splenic vein joining SMV to form Portal vein
CT Splenic vein joining SMV to form Portal vein
CT Splenic vein joining SMV to form Portal vein
CT Beginning of Portal vein
CT Note the relationship of Portal vein to IVC
CT Portal vein
CT Anterior to caudate lobe
CT Portal vein in Porta Hepatis
CT Portal vein in Porta Hepatis
CT Left branch of Portal vein
CT Right and left branch of Portal vein
US Relationship to CBD
Color Doppler Relationship to CBD
Color Doppler Portal triad

Hepatic Veins

CT Playboy bunny
CT Middle and left hepatic veins
CT Right, middle and left hepatic veins
CT Hepatic and portal veins
CT Hepatic veins draining into IVC
CT Hepatic veins draining into IVC
CT Hepatic veins draining into IVC
CT Hepatic veins draining into IVC

Renal vein

Reconstructed image Course of Renal veins
PA view Reconstructed image Renal veins entering IVC
MR Left Renal vein crossing Aorta to join IVC
  What other tributaries join Renal veins?
CT Left renal vein crossing in front of Aorta
CT Renal veins entering IVC
CT Renal veins entering IVC
CT Left renal vein draining into IVC

Splenic Vein

CT Origin and end of Splenic vein
CT Relationship of Splenic vein
CT Splenic vein joining SMV to form Portal vein
CT Splenic vein joining SMV to form Portal vein
Color Doppler Relationship of Splenic vein
CT Splenic vein
US Relationship to Pancreas
Color Doppler Splenic vein draining into IVC